Why ICE-QR is a better Solution?

Superior Data Access

  • ICE-QR ID card contains a substantial amount of critical Medical and Contact Information. Immediately Available to attending personnel.
  • Access to the data is not depending on availability of a PIN as in the case of access to ICE Contact information on personal mobile phone. Critical if the victim is uncommunicative.
  • No reliance on Internet access. Not restricted by mobile or internet coverage.
  • No reliance on Third Party Information Services. Not affected by their outage due to system, power, internet, or routine computer maintenance.

  • Data Privacy/Data Security

  • Data is encoded in QR code, and medical information is not advertised for all to see as in the case of medical bracelet or similar alert devices.
  • Data submitted by members will be automatically encoded into QR-code without being read in the manufacturing process.
  • Member's data is immediately deleted upon delivery of the product. The only data retained is name and email address to identify as member, and entitled to purchase Replacement or Renewal ID cards.

  • Home Order Now
